Sowmik Sarker

Quick learner, tech enthusiast, and avid traveler 🌍. I'm highly motivated and constantly seeking to expand my skills and knowledge 🎯.

A Computer Science graduate with 2.5 years of professional experience in Software Engineering, specializing in developing Big data-driven applications and integrating with machine learning models. Have hands-on research and development experience and currently working in BigData, Data Science and Engineering team at bKash Limited(country's largest MFS with around 76M user base). I am passionate on Researching and Developing Machine Learning and Natural Language Processing (NLP) to enhance software engineering processes.


Bachelor in Computer Science and Engineering, University of Dhaka, Dhaka, Bangladesh. [Jan 2017 to Dec 2021]

Attended Courses:

  • Data Structure and Algorithms
  • Object Oriented Programming
  • Computer Networking
  • Database Management
  • Software Engineering
  • Artificial Intelligence
  • Discrete Mathematics
  • Computer Architecture and Organization
  • Microprocessor and Microcontroller
  • Operating Systems
  • Probability and Statistics
  • Formal Language, Automata and Comutability
  • Multivariable Calculus and Geometry
  • Mathematical and Statistical Analysis for Engineers
  • Computer Graphics
  • Data Mining and Warehousing
  • Human Computer Interaction
  • Etc.

Research Experience

Undergraduate Research: "Attention-Based Neural Network for Machine Translation"

During my undergraduate studies, I led a research project focused on developing an augmented neural network architecture using two stacked GRUs and an attention-based model to improve English-to-Bangla sentence translation. Our model achieved near-human level performance and was benchmarked using BLEU scores:

  • 10.48 for 10k sentences with 50 epochs
  • 17.68 for 45k sentences with 75 epochs

These results surpassed several previous models, including GRU with Hierarchical Back Translation (14.42), Phrase-based SMT + large LM (15.27), Attention-based NMT (15.57), and Transformer (18.12).

I curated datasets (including SUPara, the largest available Bengali-English parallel corpora), implemented and trained the model on Google Colab GPU, and evaluated the results using attention plots and BLEU score performance metrics.

Terms: Transformer Model, Gated Recurrent Unit(GRU), LSTM, Word Vector, Tensorflow, RNN

More details will be found here.

Work Experience

bKash Limited, Dhaka, Bangladesh. [June, 2022 to Present]

Promoted To: Senior Engineer [May 2024 to Current]

Position: Engineer [June 2022 to April 2024]

Description: Currently, I am working as an Engineer at BigData, Data Science & Engineering team. My core responsibilities are to develop data-driven applications, translate business requirements into tasks and code and stakeholder needs into product improvements, and solve and implement applications to handle BigData challenges using (Apache Kafka, Spring Boot, NodeJs, ScyllaDB, OracleDB etc.) to achieve different business goals

Dohatec New Media, Dhaka, Bangladesh. [December 2021 to May 2022]

Position: Software Engineer

Description: Performed a Software Engineer role for the National Electronic Government Procurement System for implementing features, and analyzing client requirements ensuring data privacy and integrity.

Technical Skills

I'm open to networking, discussing potential collaborations, or exploring opportunities that align with my career trajectory. Feel free to review my CV and connect with me to discuss how we can collaborate for mutual success.

  • Java, C++, Spring Boot
  • Javascript, TypeScript
  • Nodejs, Express, GraphQL
  • Reactjs, Nextjs, Redux
  • Python, TensorFlow
  • Apache Kafka, Apache Lucene
  • Inference Server-Client, HuggingFace
  • Oracle, ScyllaDB, PostgreSQL
  • Docker, Nginx
  • AWS, BigData Platform
  • Mockito, Jest, Mocha
  • Prometheus, Grafana
  • Experienced in full lifecycle of developing data driven applications with extensive work experience in front-end and back-end applications.
  • Quick Learner, Team player, excellent communication, and mentoring skills. Experienced in cloud services like AWS, good familiarity with Docker, Kubernetes and microservices

Full-StackJavaSpring bootJavaScriptC++TypeScriptNodejsExpressReactReduxApache KafkaApache LuceneTriton InferenceOracleScyllaDBPostgreSQLMySQLScyllaDBpm2nginxDevOpsKnowledgeNetworking

Download Resume

I'm open to networking, discussing potential collaborations, or exploring opportunities that align with my career trajectory. Feel free to review my CV and connect with me to discuss how we can collaborate for mutual success.

Here is my cv link: View My upto date Resume on Linkedin

Get in Touch

If you have any questions or would like to get in touch, please don't hesitate to contact me at or visit my sites.